About Me

Welcome to my blog!!

I have been attempted to get this blog started for years.  Here I am!! Back at it again and this time I'm planning to stay.

I used to be the City Girl that taught and loved 3rd grade!! I took a big leap and left the classroom to be an Intervention Teacher and somehow got granted the position of RTI/SST Chair and some places would call me the MTSS Specialist.  In my spare time, I still manage to provide interventions to a small group of 5th graders.  5th grade has been a new joy for me.  

It's pretty cool and I love my new role!  I get to provide interventions to students and lead the RTI process within my building.  It's not overwhelming as I only teach half the day.  What keeps me motivated is I now get to make an impact with students I serve and also students that are being served throughout the building.

Join me on my journey as I discuss best practice, remediation strategies and research based intervention practices that can be used to push those scholars as close to grade level as possible.

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